Paula Cashin

The Coaching Business Mentor

Do you need to expand your confidence and get clear on what you’re doing? 

Eager to stop the cycles of self-sabotage, second-guessing, and stalling?

Ready to grow your coaching business to consistent 1-3K months in part-time hours? 

I can help.

Work With Me

The Get Sh!t Done Club

Feeling pulled in all directions and scatty with no time to work on your business?

Lost about where to start when you finally sit down at your desk? The Get Sh!t Done Club is exactly what you need.

Imagine always knowing exactly what you need to do to make progress, seeing your growth, and enjoying built-in accountability and inspiring planning sessions.

This is your secret weapon. Ready to conquer the chaos and make meaningful progress in your business?

Make this your breakthrough year.

Get Consistent Coaching Clients (6 months partnership)

Want a concrete plan to consistently generate 3k months in part-time hours AND the courage to follow through?

Embark on this six month 1:1 intensive coaching & mentoring partnership.

Find out more and apply today.

Kick-Start Your Coaching Business

Best-selling 3-month online programme designed for those ready to gently but effectively step into their potential.

Gain the knowledge to create a solid coaching business, attract ideal clients, create a marketing plan and create coaching and therapy packages to work for your life and time.

Ready to turn your passion into profit?

Passionate business mentor for rising coaches
I've walked the path from fledgling coach to thriving mentor, and now, I can't wait to illuminate the way for you. I'm here to partner with you in laughter, honesty, and deep curiosity as we build your business to create consistent monthly income on your terms. Ready to level up?

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