Hey there! I'm Paula
Founder of 'The Coaching Business Mentor'. Teacher. Coach. Mentor. Hypnotherapist. Mama. Scaredy Cat. Adventurer. Truth Teller. Bullshit Detector!
My mission? To help you bridge the gap between your current reality and your boldest aspirations. My work isn't just about programs and training; it's a reflection of my commitment to share my knowledge + expertise authentically and make a genuine difference. I champion smart, aligned work. It's not just about business strategies ('The How'). It's also about the emotional, intuitive core – 'The Heart' of your venture and the heart of you. Through coaching and hypnotherapy, I delve into both, ensuring a holistic approach to your growth- personally & professionally. Believe me when I say, they're two sides of the same coin.
The incredible women I work with often lean towards a heart-centered, introverted style. The incessant hustle? Not their vibe. My approach is tailored for them, emphasising sustainable growth that feels genuine and safe. Every time I support another fellow coach or therapist to find clarity, muster courage and advance confidently in their journey, I'm not just building businesses. I'm helping them to light up the world with self belief, joy and a touch of magic. Imagine a world brimming with empowered, joyful, kind, brave and wealthy women who lead from the heart- now that's a vision I'm passionate about.
Begin. Believe. Become

How I can Help

Areas I can Support You:

Lack of Confidence and Self Sabotage:

Do you sometimes feel like a fraud and think you’re not good enough to coach or help others? I totally get it; I’ve been there. And guess what, it’s more common than you might think!

How I Can Help: With over 12 years coaching experience and as a hypnotherapist, I support you in overcoming these fears. We will work together to enable you to see your gifts, believe in yourself and create the impact you know you’re here to create.

Business Growth and Income Consistency:

Does the business stuff get you down? Are you battling with things like finding your niche, getting your ideal clients, and making a steady income?

How I Can Help: You’re in luck because this is my thing! I’ve got the know-how on the ins and outs of coaching businesses, and I can help you strategise to build a successful business model. We’ll work together to create irresistible offers, market your services like you mean it, and get that income flowing in consistently.

Work-Life Balance:

Is the excitement of building your coaching business turning into overwhelm? Struggling to find time for life outside of work?

How I Can Help: I feel you! Been there, done that. I’ve managed to build a successful coaching business on a part-time schedule. I can show you the ropes to create a work-life balance that allows your business to thrive without burning out or missing out on life’s precious moments.

What People Say
"I have more confidence in my abilities and also a bigger sense of responsibility to show up for myself, to go after everything I want out of life, but with an understanding of how to take care of myself while I do it, while the messiness of everyday life happens around me. I know better than ever the importance of making sure I look after my needs if I want to be a success in my life and business. I know all these things and I practice all these things because of working with Paula."

"The support from Paula was just immeasurable! She possesses this incredible quality of being able to call you out on your own bullshit while still being genuinely caring and gentle. That's the thing, Paula cares, this is not just a job to her, it is very clearly a vocation, and that is who you want to coach you. Within this programme what helped me give more of myself and really really show up even when it scared the shit out of me was seeing how everyone found the courage to do it. This was such a positive and rewarding experience. Michelle "

"Signing up for KickStart was hands-down one of the best decisions I've made for my coaching career. This course took me from feeling lost and overwhelmed to having a clear, actionable plan. The structure, advice, and support provided was invaluable. I was able to define my niche, understand how to find and attract paying clients, and create a marketing routine that actually works - all at my own pace! Now, I'm not only generating a steady income from my business but I feel so much stronger within myself. Thank you Paula for this course!"

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