Why you Need to Have a Vision for your Life & Business

by | Sep 6, 2023 | Business Vision, Clarity

Hey my love,

I’ve been spending the past few weeks thinking about my life and business vision, well to be perfectly honest, I’ve been spending the past few weeks thinking about upgrading my vision! You see, a good few years ago, I had a dream of how I wanted my life to look in the future – this dream was big, bold, outrageous and very happy!

I’d own a house and an investment property, I’d have an amazing partner who respected me, we’d have a gorgeous family and a dog, I’d be doing work I loved to do, always learning and growing, building wealth with ease, I’d have freedom and flexibility and I’d have money in the bank!

At the time of dreaming this dream over a decade ago, I was jobless with zero prospects because I had just realised I hated my chosen profession, I was completely broke and had recently been dumped via text message! But I held this vision of what I wanted in my mind and worked towards it.

There have been so many times recently that I’ve been hit with pure amazement when I have that moment of realisation that  the life I’m living is what used to be my fantasy- my wildest dreams! I’m living the big, bold, outrageous dream that my younger self was dreaming about.

I’ve also known, for a long time now that I need to up-level my dreams and upgrade my vision.


Because I’m meant for more. I can feel the desires, I can feel the yearnings and the bubbling of ideas and energy.

But I also feel the pangs of fear. Of hesitation. Of resistance. Of protection.

Creating a life and business I love, making decisions to pick myself up and progress… It’s been really f*cking hard at times. Painful and heart wrenching and there are times when I look back at my younger self and think, ‘Fair bleeding play to her, she had courage. And grit.‘ I don’t think I could do that now.’

Even if the battle scars are invisible, it doesn’t mean you’re not wounded.

And for a long time, it just felt safer, and better and easier and so much more comfortable to stay in my safe place, licking my wounds and trying to feel better and stronger, and more confident… waiting for sometime in the future… Someday…

But along with the battle scars, I’ve also gained a lot of wisdom and sometimes that wisdom is a pain in the ass. My inner sage knows ‘someday’ never comes. I know I’m not going to wake up one day and feel better, stronger, more empowered, more confident or capable. That’s not going to just happen. It doesn’t work like that.

I need to make the decision first. I must create the vision first. I need to allow myself to want what I want, even if it scares me to want or have desires. Because I understand that wanting something with my whole heart doesn’t guarantee that I’ll get to keep it. Wanting doesn’t automatically make it mine.  And that is pain.

But you know what else is painful?

Not truly living.

So, we’re left with a choice.

Do we live with the pain of knowing deep down that we’re not showing up fully in life, not sharing our gifts, not using our voices, and not making the impact we’re capable of?


Do we choose to embrace the pain that may come from pursuing our dreams, knowing that it can be part of the journey?

I choose to live with the latter. I choose to face the challenges head-on, knowing that the fact of the pain of regret and unfulfilled desires and potential far outweighs the fear of what could happen. I’m feisty and determined and I know if there’s something that I set my mind to, I become ‘Positively Persistent Paula’.

So, over the next few weeks I’ll be putting together my bigger vision, working on releasing any SelfWorthShackles™ I have that tell me I can’t do , be or have whatever I want. My life and business will reflect what I decide to make it and I’m scared excited about it! 

So how about you? Do you have a vision for your business?

 A vision is how you want your life & business to look in a few years time. I’m talking 5, 10 years time! You might be gasping thinking ‘I haven’t a clue where I want to be next week, let alone in 10 years time!!’ But when it comes to a vision, you do need to go out that far because this is where you want to end up. If you don’t have any idea of how you want your life to look in 10, 15, 20 years time then how do you know if every day you’re moving further away or closer to your vision?

It’s like the analogy of driving around in a car without knowing where you’re going. We always get into the car with our destination in mind, or at least the general direction that we want to go in. This is what we’re trying to achieve with a vision – a destination or direction.

 If you don’t know where you’re going and you don’t know what success looks like, then how do you know when you get there?

Recently, I did a market research survey with my incredible subscribers, and the results were fascinating. One of the questions I asked was to select what they needed support with, and surprisingly, very few people ticked the box for “Business Vision and Goals.” However, nearly everyone said they needed help with clarity, direction, and making decisions.

Clarity, direction and decisions stem from your Vision. It’s a foundational piece.

The problem is we’re like busy worker bees, work, work, work, busy, busy, busy and we don’t look up, we just keep going.

What having a vision will do for you is to give you some focus and direction as well as helping you gain clarity on whether the decision that you’re making will take you closer to your vision or further away.

It’s not very often that we spend time on ourselves. We tend to spend so much time working that we don’t actually make the time to raise our head, look to the future and say; ‘ok this is the big picture. This is how I want my business to look.’ But I want you to do exactly that! Now is your time!

Put the brakes on for a few hours, take a step out of the madness and ask yourself ‘How do I want my life & business to look in 10 years time?’ ‘What will I need to do to make that happen?’ You see, the time is going to pass anyway so you might as well point yourself in a direction that you’ll be happy with!

Think about it over the next few days and jot down any ideas that come to mind!

It has to make you think ‘Wow, I’d be floating on air if I had a life like that!’ Be big bold and outrageous. People over-estimate what they can accomplish in a year but they wildly, wildly under-estimate what they can accomplish in a 5 years or ten years! You need to be clear on what you want your life to look like by when? What does success look like to you? It’s a very simple concept but an incredibly powerful motivating tool! Think BIG!

Until next time,

Think about where you’re going!

 Paula xoxo


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